Hello barn community and happy Saturday!! Is there anything more magical than the weekend? I mean, it is the worst couple of days for surfing—weekend crowds are nightmare fuel. On the weekend, and this is no exaggeration, if surfers of the “The Golden State” were to hold hands, we could create a human-chain from Morro Bay to the Mexico Border. But regardless of the ocean doing its best impression of a body odor scented, crowded amusement park—imagine trying to “social distance”— Saturday is arguably the best day of the week. Here’s a quick flashback of this morning: I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and mingling (possibly mating?) in a tree next to my window; I yawned, stretched my toes and fingers to the opposite ends of the room, and looked at my phone to see that it was 8 am, and the wind was starting to cast its devilish shadow on the wave in the area. Usually, if that were to happen during the week, a crippling—fear-of-missing-out—anxiety would provoke me to drive to the beach in a panic. A deodorant-less Barn, with pants on backwards, wearing an inside-out, coffee stained Vans t-shirt would unfortunately be a byproduct. BUT NOT ON SATURDAYS; NOPE! Everyone is already out there, and I have nowhere to be; I can just relax. You know? Take. My. Sweet. Time.
Today I have no real content and just wanted to check-in and share some news about the bloggingbarney.com. A couple of milestones have happened over the past week; I realized that there are different “themes” on WordPress, and that my platform doesn’t have to resemble an online scam. I definitely should’ve done this sooner, I know; in the past, some of you probably questioned whether you were reading about the adventures of a mediocre surfer, or whether you were trying to buy illegal substances from China—hopefully by accident. So, without further adieu, this is the “new” format, and I hope it’s a bit easier on the eyes. So feel free to peruse the site; I plan to organize it a bit better in the following weeks, and my gears are turning—at steam engine-like speeds—to come up with engaging content that I hope you guys will find pretty frickin’ gnar (baby steps Barn!). STAY TUNED!!
Also, I wanted to introduce you to the Barney logo; his name is La Calaca (the skeleton)—yet another Kookalita special—and he’s a full-on barnacle-brained kook-monger. He’s pretty sweet though, has a great stache, and is driving his way up the ranks of the surfing hierarchy (he’s approaching that mediocre soul surfing class).
-Barney Beadette
Sick logo duuuuude!!
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